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Upcoming Events

Next Generation Indie Book Awards Ceremony, where Yael Warshel will be receiving the 6th award for her second book, Experiencing the Israeli-Palestinian: Children, Peace Communication and Socialization (Cambridge University Press), June 28, 2024, 5:00-7:30 PM PST. 

Tune into Live stream here: 
(from 26 minutes and 15 seconds to view Warshel's receipt of her medal)

Warshel, Y. "How to Publish Award-winning Books" Training, Children's Rights Research Group, Maastricht University, September 3, 2024 12.15 PM EST.  Email ywarshel at for Zoom Link


Past Events



Warshel, Y. (2024). Stateless Children’s Right to Communicate, Paper presented to the International Conference on Realising Children’s Development Rights in De-Facto States, Cyprus.

Warshel, Y. (2022). Deconstructing the Meanings of Restored Moroccan-Israeli Relations. Paper prepared for theAssociation for Israel Studies, Ramat Gan, Israel.

Warshel, Y. (2021). Researching dangerous and/or difficult to access settings: Insights from communication experts in the field. Remarks prepared for Blue Sky Workshop, International Communication Association, virtual meeting.

Warshel, Y. (2020). The Sahrawi education ‘system’ and glocalized global human rights. Paper prepared for the Middle East Studies Association, Washington D.C. 2020 (accepted; did not present owed to Covid-19).

Warshel, Y.  (2019). Decoding mediated contact in modern conflict. Paper prepared for the International Communication Association, Washington DC.

Warshel, Y. (2019). Problematizing the variable of conflict in the study of children, youth, media and conflict. Paper prepared for the International Communication Association, Washington DC.

Warshel, Y. (2019). Statelessness, forced-migration, and global education. Paper prepared for the American Anthropological Association’s Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group, Camden, New Jersey.

Warshel, Y. (2019). Student activism and global networks. Paper prepared for the Peace Studies Section of the International Studies Association and The Peace History Society, Kent State University School of Peace and Conflict Studies, Kent, OH.

Warshel, Y and O. Albu. (2018). Digitization and teleological norms in citizen journalism practices. Paper prepared for the ICAfrica Biennial Conference Accra, Ghana.

Warshel, Y.  (2018). Media and telecommunications access gaps of stateless and refugee populations. Paper prepared for the Global Fusion Consortium, Charlottesville, VA.

Warshel, Y. (2018). Forced migration, education, and human rights. Paper prepared for the International, Regional

and Internal Dimensions of the Protracted Conflict in Western Sahara Panel, World Congress of Middle Eastern Studies, Seville, Spain.

Warshel, Y. (2018). The state of the study of (non-Middle Eastern) children and media, and what's ahead. Paper prepared for the State and Future of Children's and Youth Studies in the Middle East Roundtable, World Congress of Middle Eastern Studies, Seville, Spain.

Warshel, Y. (2018). Mobile literacy and global citizenship. Paper prepared for Students, Universities and Knowledge Production in the Maghrib, American Institute for Maghrib Studies and Centre D’Etudes Maghrebines en Algerie, Oran, Algeria.

Warshel, Y. (2018). Global flows, and ‘universal’ human and communication rights. Paper prepared for Global Media and Human Rights, the Leading Research Environment: Global Media Studies and the Politics of Communication, Department of Media Studies, Stockholm University, International Communication Association, Prague.

Warshel, Y. (2018). Children, youth, and media in international and global conflict zones. Paper prepared for Children, Youth, and War symposium, University of Georgia Press, Athens, Georgia.

Warshel, Y. (2017). Zones of conflict as contexts for children and youth’s mundane mediated lives. Paper prepared for the American Anthropology Association, Washington DC.

Warshel, Y. (2017). Children, youth, and media in Middle Eastern, North African and Gulf conflict zones. Paper prepared for Children, Youth, and Media in Middle Eastern Conflict Zones panel, Middle East Studies Association, Washington DC.

Warshel, Y. (2017). Children, youth, and media in international and global conflict zones. Paper prepared for the International Communication Association, San Diego.

Warshel, Y. (2015).  The “Algerians,” “Libyans’ and “Cubans” of the Sahara. Paper prepared for the African Studies Association, Washington D.C.

Warshel, Y. (2014). Nationalism in the absence of local formal education. Paper prepared for the African Studies Association, San Diego.

Warshel, Y. (2014). Circulation of weapons, food, narcotics, children, daily life and information across the Mali- Azawad-Algerian Borderlands. Paper prepared for Saharan Studies: Views from the Desert-Edge, American Institute for Maghrib Studies and West African Research Association, Oran, Algeria.

Warshel, Y. (2013). Eating Bamba in Uhm Al-Fahm.  Paper prepared for the Association for Israel Studies, Los Angeles.

Warshel, Y. (2013). Forced sedentarization, migration and child-soldiers and -“wives” at the Sahelian-Saharan Azawadian Borderlands. Paper prepared for the Society for Psychological Anthropology and Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Groups, San Diego.

Warshel, Y. (2012). Between Hezbollah and revolution: The uncertain status of Syrian Alawi Muslim families in Israel. Paper prepared for the Association for Israel Studies, Haifa, Israel.

Warshel, Y. (2012). Channeling non-violent protest through older and newer technologies: Grievances and (generational) population shifts in fostering change during the Jasmine Revolutions. Paper prepared for the International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ.

Warshel, Y. (2012). “Yes, we have Skype but we don’t use it”: Fear and the inutility of social media in Middle Eastern inter-group communication. Paper prepared for the International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ.

Warshel, Y. (2012). Temporary culture: The construction of identity among Syrian families in the split Israeli-Lebanese village of Ghajar. Paper prepared for the Cultural Studies Association, San Diego.

Warshel, Y. (2011). Mugabe’s mercenaries in Libya, Gaddafi’s oil in Zimbabwe, and a comparative analysis of the threat of ethnopolitical conflict in Zimbabwe and Libya, African Studies Association, Washington D.C.

Warshel, Y. (2012). Peace communication: The historical origins of a proposed subdiscipline. Paper prepared for the International Communication Association, Boston.

Warshel, Y. (2010). Palestinian children construct meaning out of contact with Israeli soldiers and Jewish-Israeli peace activists. Paper prepared for the Middle East Studies Association, San Diego.

Warshel, Y. (2010). The problematic role of schemas within zones of conflict. Paper prepared for the Peace and Justice Studies Association, Winnipeg, Canada.

Warshel, Y. (2010). The state and Arab/Palestinian-Israeli children’s dialogical performance of modern identity. Paper prepared for State Formation workshop, Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) Washington D.C.

Warshel, Y. (2010). A qualitative meta-analysis of the efficacy of global efforts to use communication to teach peace in non-formal educational settings. Paper prepared for Peace and Justice Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City.

Warshel, Y. (2009). Narrative meanings across multiple sites of conflict. Paper prepared for the American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia.

Ellis, D. and Warshel, Y. (2009). The contributions of communication and media studies to peace education. Paper prepared for the National Communication Association, Chicago.

Warshel, Y. (2009). Symbolic communication and intractable conflict: The difficulty of communicating for social change. Paper prepared for the International Association for Media and Communication Research, Mexico City.

Warshel, Y. (2009). Jewish-Israeli children’s contact with Palestinian day laborers. Paper prepared for the Association for Israel Studies, Be’er Sheva.

Warshel, Y. (2009). Who’s Afraid of Farfur? The impact of Palestinian cultural diplomacy on Israeli national security. Paper prepared for the International Studies Association, New York City.

Award-Winning Paper (across all divisions): Warshel, Y. (2008). It’s all about Tom and Jerry, Amr Khaled and Iqra, not Hamas’s Mickey Mouse: TV viewing among Palestinian children and their parents’ related preferences. Paper prepared for the Middle East Studies Association, Washington D.C.

Warshel, Y. (2006). How contact alters mass communication efforts to teach peace. Paper prepared for Education for Peace and Democracy, Israel-Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI), Antalya, Turkey.

Warshel, Y. (2006). Designing and evaluating peace communication curricula to help overcome challenging times. Paper prepared for the International Studies Association-West, Las Vegas.

Warshel, Y. (2006). Coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict: Lessons learned from Western European and American journalistic practices during the Oslo period. Paper prepared for the Association for Israel Studies, Banff, Canada.

Warshel, Y. (2006). Peace communication programs: Their design and evaluation. Paper prepared for the International Studies Association, San Diego.

Warshel, Y. (2005). New measures for evaluating the efficacy of using ICTs to manage conflict. Paper prepared for the Israel Communication Association, Be’er Sheva (in Hebrew).

Warshel, Y. (2005). Where is the Arabic?: Television programming for the Arab/Palestinian child minority in Israel. Paper prepared for the Association for Israel Studies, Tucson, Arizona.

Warshel, Y. (2005). A look at the non-passive side of children in conflict. Paper prepared for Youth in a Changing Society, Tel Aviv (in Hebrew).

Warshel, Y. (2004). Contending childhood constructions of nationalism and their influence upon efforts to build peace between and among Palestinian and Israeli children. Paper prepared for the Institute for the Study of Israel in the Middle East and Association for Israel Studies dissertation workshop, Denver, CO.

Warshel, Y. (2004). Jewish-Israeli childhood constructions of Arab and Palestinian national identity. Paper prepared for the Association for Israel Studies, Jerusalem.

Warshel, Y. (2003). Peace building television, children and stereotype formation in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Paper prepared for Global Fusion, Austin, TX. (unable to present paper).

Award-Winning Paper: Warshel, Y. (2003). Israeli-Jewish children use Palestinian-Israeli Sesame Street to escape. Paper prepared for the International Communication Association, San Diego.

Warshel, Y. (2003). Israeli-Jewish children use Palestinian-Israeli Sesame Street as an alternative to images of conflict. Paper prepared for the Association for Israel Studies, San Diego.

Warshel, Y. (2002). Balancing digital justice and security. Paper prepared for Race in Digital Space 2.0, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Southern California and University of California, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles.

Warshel, Y. (1999). Early innovations in technology: Communication through the talking drum. Paper prepared for the African Studies Association, Philadelphia.

Warshel, Y. (1999). Channeling conflict. Paper prepared for the International Association for Media and Communication Research, Leipzig, Germany.





Warshel, Y. (2023). “Transiting, transition and transnationality: a journey to becoming a global scholar.” Presentation  prepared for Muse College, Chinese University of Hong Hong-Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China.

Warshel, Y. (2023). “Pathways to change: Political beliefs, not intergroup attitudes.” Presentation prepared for the Participatory War and Peace Symposium: How Social Media Reshape Public Engagement in Conflict, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.

Warshel, Y. (2020). Mobile literacy, socialization, and global citizenship. Paper prepared for the Human Development and Middle East Studies Seminar, California State University, Long Beach, Long Beach, CA. (In-person presentation deferred owed to Covid-19).

Warshel, Y. (2016). Gazan refugee children’s media uses: Implications for establishing a children, youth, media and conflict zone lab at Penn State. Presentation prepared for the Co-Fund Hires Brown Bag Series, Rock Ethics Institute, University Park, PA.

Warshel, Y. (2016). Becoming Moroccan and/or Sahrawi?: Children's co-constructions of citizenship. Short paper prepared for Pennsylvania State University Research in Africa: Building Synergy Within the Community, Pennsylvania State University Alliance for Education, Science, Engineering and Development in Africa (AESDEA) and University Office of Global Programs, University Park, PA.

Warshel, Y. (2015).  Children, media and conflict zones lab, brief introduction to initiative. Presentation prepared for Information and Communication Technologies for Development Consortium, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.

Warshel, Y. (2015). Research Agenda. Presentation prepared for Graduate Colloquium, College of Communications, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.

Warshel, Y. (2015). Sahrawi (national) education and the re-workings of the concepts of “(forced) migration” and “nomadism.” Prepared paper for California Association of Freirean Educators, Los Angeles.

Warshel, Y. (2014). Opening remarks prepared for Educating global citizens in a changing Arab region. Graduate School of Education and Information Studies global colloquium, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles.

Warshel, Y. (2011). Presentation prepared for Revolution 2.0: The Internet in the Middle East and North Africa Panel, Global Internet Governance: Research and Public Policy Challenges for the Next Decade, GigaNet.

Warshel, Y. (2009). Conference participant. Saharan Crossroads: Views from the North, American Institute for Maghrib Studies and West African Research Association, Tangier, Morocco.

Warshel, Y. (2007). Communication in ethnopolitical conflict: Situating Jewish-Israeli, Palestinian, and Arab/Palestinian-Israeli children's reception of an experiment in peace communication. Paper prepared for School of International Service, American University.  




Warshel, Y. (2024). Prepared for Centre for West Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

Warshel, Y. (2023). Prepared for Journalism Department, Hong Kong Baptist University.

Warshel, Y. (2023). Prepared for Reading New Books in the Humanities by Penn State Faculty, Humanities Institute, Pennsylvania State University.

Warshel, Y. (2021). Prepared for International Communication Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication International Communication Book Re-Launch Panel.

Warshel, Y. (2021). Prepared for Israel Studies, University of Maryland, College Park.

Warshel, Y. (2021). Prepared for Communication, Media and Performance Anthropology Reading Group of the American Anthropology Association.

Warshel, Y. (2021). Prepared for Teaching International Program, Pennsylvania State University, Greater Allegheny Campus.

Warshel, Y. (2021). Prepared for Association of Middle East Children and Youth Studies Digital Author Series.

Warshel, Y. (2021). Prepared for Communication, Media and Journalism Research Talk Series, Journalism; University of Sheffield.

Warshel, Y. (2021). Prepared for Author Meets Critic Book Launch: Communications, Rock Ethics Institute,International Affairs, Comparative and International Education, and Middle Eastern Studies, Pennsylvania State University.

Warshel.Author meets Critics.REI.Experiencing.Israeli.Palestinian.Conflict.April14.Advert.
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